
What is a lip blush?

lip blush, also know as “watercolor lips,” is a cosmetic tattoo procedure meant to gives the lips a subtle natural tint, enhance shape, correct discoloration, even out tone and make the lips more attractive and youthful.

What are the benefits of permanent cosmetics for the lips?

  • lips appear more defined without surgery or fillers

  • restores color to lips that have become pale

  • corrects blurred lip lines

  • camoflauges scars and hypopigmentation

  • kiss-proof and smudge-proof color

  • make lips appear fuller and larger

  • may eliminate the daily use of pencils to outline, fill-in, or reshaping lip borders

  • saves time and money!

Will Lip blushing hurt?

of all permanent makeup procedures, the permanent lip enhancement procedure is the most sensitive. we do numb your lips prior to and throughout the procedure with a highly effective topical anesthetic for your comfort.

What should I do pre- and post- procedure?

please note: cold sores are a risk of lip blush tattoo. once a client has contracted herpes virus, it remains dormant in the system throughout their lifetime and will become active if the immune system is compromised. if you have had a cold sore in the past, we advise receiving a script from your doctor for an anti-viral oral medication prior to any lip procedure as a preventative. another option is to purchase an over-the-counter anti-viral cream called acyclovir ointment and apply to the area as follows: 5 times a day for 5 days pre-treatment and 5 times a day for 5 days post-treatment.
regardless of having had history of cold sores, we recommend all clients take l-lysine (vitamin) 2 weeks before the appointment and 2 weeks following the appointment to reduce the risk.


important: clients with chapped lips will be turned away. make sure to drink plenty of water 5+ days prior to treatment to avoid having chapped or dry lips.

  • do not work out 24 hours before procedure.

  • no alcohol, caffeine or stimulants 24 hours before procedure

  • avoid sun and tanning one week prior to procedure

  • do not take aspirin, niacin, fish oil, vitamin e or advil/ibuprofen 48 hours before procedure

  • discontinue retin-a, and alpha hydroxy acid (aha) at least 4 weeks prior

  • must wait a minimum 6 weeks after lip filler

  • must wait six months after lip implants

please note: you will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle.


*Immediately following the procedure, lips may feel dry, chapped, tight and tender to the touch.

  • complete your antiviral medication to prevent an outbreak, as needed

  • dab (don’t rub!) ointment on lips several times a day (at least 2) for at least 5-7 days post treatment; do not allow lips to become dry

  • use aquaphor, a+d or coconut oil for healing ointment

  • itching is normal, DO NOT PICK!

  • wash lips carefully with mild cleanser for 5-7 days and apply ointment immediately after dabbing dry

  • drink all liquids through a straw until lips completely peel

  • do not stretch the lips and avoid biting into large sandwiches, etc; cut food into tiny bites for first few days

  • do not bite into greasy, oily, salty or spicy foods, rather cut them up and place them into your mouth 

  • before brushing your teeth, seal lips with ointment

  • do not bleach/whiten your teeth while your lips are healing (about 2 weeks)

  • you may apply a clean ice pack; do not put ice directly on area

  • do not expose the lips to direct sunlight or tanning beds for 4 weeks; this is new skin and will sunburn easily and direct sun prematurely may also cause scarring and alter pigment color

  • you may wear lipstick, lipgloss, and chapstick after 7 days; make sure the tube of lip product is new to reduce risk of infection

  • sleeping slightly elevated will help prevent swelling; use a clean pillow case

  • no smoking while lips are healing (10 days minimum)

  • no kissing, rubbing or friction on your newly tattooed lips until day 5

expect moderate swelling, usually one to three days following the procedure. scabbing may make the lips feel thick. lips will fade up to 50% after the first 5 days. while healing, the tattoo may look patchy- this is due to skin regeneration and healing. a touch-up is included 6-12 weeks post- initial procedure to reassess color, symmetry and tone.

the above pre- and post- care for lips will affect how quickly or slowly you heal. mature age, poor diet, stress, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, age, general health, sleep/fatigue are all factors. the more fatigued you are, the lower your immune system is and infection is more likely to occur. please get plenty of rest and drink lots of water to hydrate prior to procedure.

it is crucial these instructions are followed to ensure a comfortable healing process and to achieve the best possible results for your lips!

If I have had a lip filler injection already, am I still a candidate for Aquarelle Lips?

a minimum of 6 weeks post-filler is required before your lip blush appointment. it is recommended that you have the permanent lip enhancement first and then the lip filler injection, once lips are healed.

What color will be lips be?

you and your artist will discuss which colors suit you based on your natural lip color, skin tone, lifestyle, etc. once your lips have healed, you may still enhance or change the color of your lips at anytime with conventional makeup. your new lip tattoo is designed to act as a base, so it doesn’t mean you should throw out your lip collection.

How will my lips look immediately after?

your lips will look swollen and slightly larger than normal and look as though you may have had a slight lip filler injection. the degree of this varies from person to person. the pigment and lip color will look darker initially, like a bold lipstick. the size of your lips will shrink back to normal and the color will significantly fade up to 50% within the first 4 days. You will lose color on the inside of your lips first, the edges last. directly post-procedure, lips normally feel dry, chapped, tight and tender to the touch. Similar to how a sunburn feels.

How long is the healing process?

expect moderate swelling up to three days following the procedure; lip pigment color may fade up to 50% after the first few days. while healing, your lip color may look spotty; this is due to oxidation of the pigment and the regeneration of the skin. lips will be fully healed in 6 weeks- it is at this point you may book your 6-12 week perfecting touch-up.

How often is a touch-up needed?

we recommend touch ups every 1-2.5 years.

What factors will affect how my Lips look?

excessive bleeding during a lip tattoo procedure will reduce the amount of pigment absorption.

sun exposure: the sun will soften the look of your lip tattoo, and may also change the color appearance of the pigment. sunscreen chapstick is always recommended when being exposed to sunlight or tanning bed.

lifestyle: smokers, "sun worshippers", or anyone with skin that is in a state of distress may have less desirable results.

it is highly recommended that you avoid sun and tanning bed exposure for 2 weeks post- and pre- procedure. as your skin exfoliates from a sunburn, it will take the pigment with it. we have the right to turn away any clients with a fresh tan/sunburn.

What should I know about long term care?

touch-up appointments are optional. if you choose not to maintain, the color will lighten over time. fading greatly depends on your skin type and tone, lifestyle, sun exposure, pigment color used, and your overall health. we suggest planning on scheduling a touch up every 1-2.5 years for best results.

if you are receiving an mri, please inform the technician that you have had an iron-oxide cosmetic tattoo.

if you are planning to have laser treatments, you must cover your lip tattoo with 20% Zinc Oxide to avoid premature fading of your tattoo.

if you are applying acidic or brightening skincare (aha, retinol, peels, glycolics, salicylic acid, etc.) please first cover your lip tattoo with vaseline to avoid premature pigment fading.

please view our policies before proceeding with booking.